
About I4SUD

The following collaboratory brings together tools, expertise and trainings to empower researchers to take research from benchtop to market.

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The Facts

Why Focus on Substance Use Disoders?

There has been substantial underinvestment in SUDs even though the scale of the problem heavily impacts our society. We seek to improve outcomes by supporting innovative researchers in their work to stimulate progress.

1 in 12
Adults Suffer from SUD

Totaling around 28.8 million people in the United States.

Fatal Overdoses Occur

In 2020, 30% higher than previous years.

$700 Billion
In Costs to the U.S.

Between healthcare, law enforcement, and lost productivity.

Started or Increased Use

To cope with stress related to COVID-19 Pandemic.

Our Program

What Graduates Will Gain

The Innovations for Substance Use Disorders program offers a comprehensive entrepreneurship education program. The program will give the researchers the knowledge they need to commercialize their research, the skills they need to be successful entrepreneurs, and the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills to their own work.

Furthermore, the Innovations for Substance Use Disorders graduates will gain skills to apply for translational funding, license intellectual property, and launch companies. They will also be part of a virtual community of researchers and practitioners transforming the culture of academic scientists, turning discovery into application. The program will work with well-established substance use disorder researchers and clinicians.